Duchy Opera Trust Membership
The following principles and guidance is for all who are members of Duchy Opera.
On becoming a member of the Trust you agree to
1) Commit to attending rehearsals on a regular basis (particularly in the six months leading up to the performance dates) and informing officials, as appropriate, if you are likely to be, or will be, absent.
2) Be aware of the policies of the Trust, in particular the Safeguarding policy. These are displayed publicly on the website.
3) Agree to pay subscriptions and fees. For details of types of membership and levels of fees, refer to the current Subscription and Fees statement. These are minimum amounts as some members are happy to support us by paying more.
4) Agree that your details (name, address, email, phone number) will be held by the Council of the Trust for contact purposes, but will not be shared with any third party without your permission
5) Participate in activities related to the running of the Trust where possible, such as the Annual General Meeting, publicity events, promotional activities.
6) Use the name or logo of Duchy Opera Trust Limited only in activities which have the agreement of the Trust/Council
7) At all times behave in an appropriate manner towards fellow members of the Trust and the public when involved in Trust activities.
The Trust is managed by a Council elected from its members, with the help of additional 'expertise'. All members are entitled to stand for election to Council, which takes place at the Annual General Meeting. The Council's role is to act in the interests of the whole Trust, and thus it has the ability to suspend or expel members whose conduct is considered prejudicial to the Trust.
Duchy Opera Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee. It is governed by its Articles of Association which are available to members on request.
Subscriptions 2025
1. The level of all Subscriptions shall be decided from time to time by the Council of the Company.
2. Subscriptions shall be due for payment on 1st January each year but may be waived or deferred at the discretion of the Council.
3. Persons that join the Company, or rejoin after a full one year or more of absence, after 1st August in any year may pay a pro rata amount related to the annual subscription and the number of full calendar months that remain in that year.
4. Subscriptions may be paid in monthly instalments for 12 months by Standing Order from the due date for the following 2025 membership levels:-
a) Singing £11.00 per month for 12 months = £132
b) Non-Singing £3.66 per month for 12 months = £44
c) Intermediate £5.50 per month for 12 months = £66
5. Any member of the Council and any person who wishes to be nominated for election to or co-opted onto the Council shall be a fully paid up Member of the Company.
6. Any Member may apply, in confidence, to a Member of the Council for a consideration of the level of their subscription, the method of payment or deferment of payment of their subscription according to their circumstances.
7. Any Member who does not pay the required subscription according to the level of their membership within two months after the due date for subscriptions shall not be eligible to enjoy the benefits of membership and shall not be eligible to rehearse for or perform in Company productions. If, in any year, a Member consistently fails to pay the required Company subscription, they may be required to explain their failure to the Council, before the Council, at their discretion, takes further action in respect of that Member including withdrawal of their membership.
8. Any Member of the Company may, at the discretion of the Council, be required to pay a Production Fee to cover a proportion of the costs involved in the staging of a Company production in which they are involved.
Subscriptions at January 2025
This policy defines the following designated levels of membership and single payment minimum subscription rates as follows:-
(b) Non-singing Members shall be entitled to all the benefits of Singing Members except that they shall not be entitled to participate as a performer in Company rehearsals or productions but may sing with Associated Groups.
(c) Intermediate Members shall be between the ages of 18 years and 25 years on 1st January in any year that they qualify for Intermediate Membership and shall be entitled to all the benefits and be subject to all the requirements of Singing Members.
(d) Young Members shall be under 18 years of age on 1st January and shall be entitled to all the benefits of Singing Members but shall not be entitled to vote at any General Meeting of the Company or be entitled to be nominated for election to or co-opted onto the Council within any year that they qualify for Young Membership.
(e) Associate Membership shall be available to Soloists (as defined below) and any persons who engage in groups and activities in the name of and for the benefit of the Company. Associate Members shall be entitled to all the benefits of Singing Members but shall not be entitled to participate in regular Company chorus rehearsals and shall not be entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the Company or be entitled to be nominated for election to or co-opted onto the Council.
(f) Soloists are defined as singers who are considered by the Company Music Director to be competent and capable of performing major solo roles on behalf of the Company.
(g) Life Members shall be appointed, at the discretion of the Council, in recognition of exceptional service and outstanding contribution to the benefit of the Company. They shall be entitled to all the benefits of Singing Membership. The number of Life Members shall not exceed 10% of the total number of subscription paying membership at the time of appointment.
(h) Honorary Membership may be granted, at the discretion of the Council, to any person who has provided significant and meritorious service to the benefit of the Company and who would not otherwise be a member of the Company. They shall not be entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting or be nominated to the Council.
Other people that are considered:-
(2) Professional Singers are singers who are paid by the Company to perform solo roles in Company productions. Professional singers are not required to be Members of the Company but may become Associate Members if they so wish.
(3) Musicians and Repetiteurs are persons who are paid by the Company to play musical instruments for the benefit of the Company as required by the Company Music Director. Musicians and Repetiteurs are not required to be Members of the Company but may become Associate Members if they so wish.
(4) Artistic and Technical Specialists and Volunteers who may perform a specific occasional service for the benefit of the Company are not required to be Members of the Company but may become Associate Members if they so wish.
(5) Invited Casual Performers, who are not members of the Company, and who perform specific, specialized roles in Company productions but who are not paid by the Company, are not required to be Members of the Company but may become Associate Members if they so wish.
(6) Associated Singing Groups are groups of singers who perform under the Brand of the Company but who also maintain their own identity and are not reliant on the Company for support. Members of Associated Groups may become Associate Members if they so wish. The Council shall decide whether a group of singers will be considered to be an Associated Singing Group. Support may be provided for an Associated Singing Group at the discretion of the Council.
Duchy Opera Trust Membership
The following principles and guidance is for all who are members of Duchy Opera.
On becoming a member of the Trust you agree to
1) Commit to attending rehearsals on a regular basis (particularly in the six months leading up to the performance dates) and informing officials, as appropriate, if you are likely to be, or will be, absent.
2) Be aware of the policies of the Trust, in particular the Safeguarding policy. These are displayed publicly on the website.
3) Agree to pay subscriptions and fees. For details of types of membership and levels of fees, refer to the current Subscription and Fees statement. These are minimum amounts as some members are happy to support us by paying more.
4) Agree that your details (name, address, email, phone number) will be held by the Council of the Trust for contact purposes, but will not be shared with any third party without your permission
5) Participate in activities related to the running of the Trust where possible, such as the Annual General Meeting, publicity events, promotional activities.
6) Use the name or logo of Duchy Opera Trust Limited only in activities which have the agreement of the Trust/Council
7) At all times behave in an appropriate manner towards fellow members of the Trust and the public when involved in Trust activities.
The Trust is managed by a Council elected from its members, with the help of additional 'expertise'. All members are entitled to stand for election to Council, which takes place at the Annual General Meeting. The Council's role is to act in the interests of the whole Trust, and thus it has the ability to suspend or expel members whose conduct is considered prejudicial to the Trust.
Duchy Opera Trust Limited is a company limited by guarantee. It is governed by its Articles of Association which are available to members on request.
Subscriptions 2025
1. The level of all Subscriptions shall be decided from time to time by the Council of the Company.
2. Subscriptions shall be due for payment on 1st January each year but may be waived or deferred at the discretion of the Council.
3. Persons that join the Company, or rejoin after a full one year or more of absence, after 1st August in any year may pay a pro rata amount related to the annual subscription and the number of full calendar months that remain in that year.
4. Subscriptions may be paid in monthly instalments for 12 months by Standing Order from the due date for the following 2025 membership levels:-
a) Singing £11.00 per month for 12 months = £132
b) Non-Singing £3.66 per month for 12 months = £44
c) Intermediate £5.50 per month for 12 months = £66
5. Any member of the Council and any person who wishes to be nominated for election to or co-opted onto the Council shall be a fully paid up Member of the Company.
6. Any Member may apply, in confidence, to a Member of the Council for a consideration of the level of their subscription, the method of payment or deferment of payment of their subscription according to their circumstances.
7. Any Member who does not pay the required subscription according to the level of their membership within two months after the due date for subscriptions shall not be eligible to enjoy the benefits of membership and shall not be eligible to rehearse for or perform in Company productions. If, in any year, a Member consistently fails to pay the required Company subscription, they may be required to explain their failure to the Council, before the Council, at their discretion, takes further action in respect of that Member including withdrawal of their membership.
8. Any Member of the Company may, at the discretion of the Council, be required to pay a Production Fee to cover a proportion of the costs involved in the staging of a Company production in which they are involved.
Subscriptions at January 2025
This policy defines the following designated levels of membership and single payment minimum subscription rates as follows:-
- Singing Membership (a)..................................................................£132
- Non-Singing Membership (b).........................................................£44
- Intermediate Membership (c)........................................................£66
- Young Membership (d)....................................................................Nil
- Associate Membership (e,f)............................................................£12
- Life Membership (g).........................................................................Nil
- Honorary Membership (h)..............................................................Nil
(b) Non-singing Members shall be entitled to all the benefits of Singing Members except that they shall not be entitled to participate as a performer in Company rehearsals or productions but may sing with Associated Groups.
(c) Intermediate Members shall be between the ages of 18 years and 25 years on 1st January in any year that they qualify for Intermediate Membership and shall be entitled to all the benefits and be subject to all the requirements of Singing Members.
(d) Young Members shall be under 18 years of age on 1st January and shall be entitled to all the benefits of Singing Members but shall not be entitled to vote at any General Meeting of the Company or be entitled to be nominated for election to or co-opted onto the Council within any year that they qualify for Young Membership.
(e) Associate Membership shall be available to Soloists (as defined below) and any persons who engage in groups and activities in the name of and for the benefit of the Company. Associate Members shall be entitled to all the benefits of Singing Members but shall not be entitled to participate in regular Company chorus rehearsals and shall not be entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the Company or be entitled to be nominated for election to or co-opted onto the Council.
(f) Soloists are defined as singers who are considered by the Company Music Director to be competent and capable of performing major solo roles on behalf of the Company.
(g) Life Members shall be appointed, at the discretion of the Council, in recognition of exceptional service and outstanding contribution to the benefit of the Company. They shall be entitled to all the benefits of Singing Membership. The number of Life Members shall not exceed 10% of the total number of subscription paying membership at the time of appointment.
(h) Honorary Membership may be granted, at the discretion of the Council, to any person who has provided significant and meritorious service to the benefit of the Company and who would not otherwise be a member of the Company. They shall not be entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting or be nominated to the Council.
Other people that are considered:-
- The President (1)
- Patrons (1)
- Professional Singers (2)
- Musicians and Repetiteurs (3)
- Artistic and Technical Specialists (4)
- Invited Casual performers (5)
- Associated Singing Groups (6)
(2) Professional Singers are singers who are paid by the Company to perform solo roles in Company productions. Professional singers are not required to be Members of the Company but may become Associate Members if they so wish.
(3) Musicians and Repetiteurs are persons who are paid by the Company to play musical instruments for the benefit of the Company as required by the Company Music Director. Musicians and Repetiteurs are not required to be Members of the Company but may become Associate Members if they so wish.
(4) Artistic and Technical Specialists and Volunteers who may perform a specific occasional service for the benefit of the Company are not required to be Members of the Company but may become Associate Members if they so wish.
(5) Invited Casual Performers, who are not members of the Company, and who perform specific, specialized roles in Company productions but who are not paid by the Company, are not required to be Members of the Company but may become Associate Members if they so wish.
(6) Associated Singing Groups are groups of singers who perform under the Brand of the Company but who also maintain their own identity and are not reliant on the Company for support. Members of Associated Groups may become Associate Members if they so wish. The Council shall decide whether a group of singers will be considered to be an Associated Singing Group. Support may be provided for an Associated Singing Group at the discretion of the Council.